Might and Magic: Heroes VI – KOD UPLAY

Might and Magic: Heroes VI – KOD UPLAY

Przy zakupie tego produktu otrzymasz 12 Digital Points!

SKU: K-67
Wersja językowa:
Angielska, Francuska, Niemiecka, Włoska, Hiszpańska
Rodzaj wydania:
RPG, Strategiczne

Wymagania sprzętowe dla Windows:

OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (all 32/64 bit)
Processor: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo E4400 @ 2.0 Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 5000+ @ 2.6 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB for Windows XP and 1.5GB for Vista / Windows 7
Graphics: 512 MB, DirectX 9.0c
DirectX®: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 8 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Supported Video Cards at Release Time:
NVIDIA GeForce® 8600 or higher
NVIDIA GeForce™ 9 Series
NVIDIA GeForce™ 200 Series
NVIDIA GeForce™ 400 Series
NVIDIA GeForce™ 500 Series
ATI® RADEON® HD 2600 or higher
ATI® RADEON® HD 3000 Series
ATI® RADEON® HD 4000 Series
ATI® RADEON® HD 5000 Series
ATI® RADEON® HD 6000 Series
Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported. These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game.       

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