Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion – Minor Factions DLC – KOD STEAM

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion – Minor Factions DLC – KOD STEAM

Przy zakupie tego produktu otrzymasz 9 Digital Points!

SKU: G-10000178755003
Rodzaj wydania:
Dodatek (DLC)

Wymagania minimalne:

Procesor: 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor or Equivalent
Grafika: 256 MB Video Card w/Pixel Shader 3.0 Support (Radeon X1650 / GeForce
Pamięć: 2 GB Available System Memory
Dysk: 5 GB HD space
System: Windows 10 / 8 / Windows 7 SP1
Inne: Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card, Keyboard and Mouse (w/scroll wheel), Broadband Internet connection for Multiplayer, directx®: 9.0c

Wymagania zalecane:

Procesor: 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor or Equivalent
Grafika: 256 MB Video Card w/Pixel Shader 3.0 Support (Radeon X1650 / GeForce
Pamięć: 2 GB Available System Memory
Dysk: 5 GB HD space
System: Windows 10 / 8 / Windows 7 SP1
Inne: Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card, Keyboard and Mouse (w/scroll wheel), Broadband Internet connection for Multiplayer, directx®: 9.0c

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